Charlotte Gaspel: Demons and Ghosts, is already available for purchase, in ENGLISH and ESPAÑOL!
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A gothic-looking devil girl with a knowledge of black magic may not be something unusual in fiction, but it's a type of character that never goes out of style, like blue jeans or chicken eggs.
This book is the culmination of many months of dark ideas and exotic situations that wandered through my head as I watched suspense series and comic books about human cruelty in a society corrupted by darkness, so don't expect a story of self-improvement. This is a tragedy about a transgender girl with an exorbitant IQ whose past forced her to sell her soul to end up in the endless cold vortex that is the world of the dark arts.
I made the book easy to read, with accessible language, friendly paragraphs for your eyes, dialogue being 30% of the book, and some drawings, so if you're going to read it, at least you'll make it comfortable.
I couldn't afford professional proofreading so I'd appreciate hearing from you if you find any flaws in the text.
If you like wholesome dark humor and gothic novels, you'll probably also enjoy Charlotte Gaspel's story.